On this tab, you may create your own settings for Scanner, spectrum analyzer, near field probe, IR-probe, limit lines, graphics and reports. You may also use the pre-defined settings.
1. Spectrum analyzer:
From the list of spectrum analyzer drivers, choose the one that best corresponds to your hardware. If no suitable driver is found, please contact your local supplier.
Drivers marked with (Visa) requires National Instruments Visa. NI Visa and instructions how to install it can be downloaded at www. ni.com. Click Support and then NI Visa…
2. Setting
Choose from the list of available spectrum analyzer settings.
Click on the edit button (A) to edit the selected spectrum analyzer setting.
The upper part of the Edit spectrum analyser settings dialog box contains settings that are valid for both Pre-Scan and Scan measurements. In the lower part of the dialog box, the settings for Pre-Scan and Scan measurements are separated into two columns.
The only setting that is not explained in the manual of the spectrum analyzer is No. of spectrum sweeps.
The No. of spectrum sweeps is the number of sweeps made by the spectrum analyzer in max hold mode at each measuring position. Please refer to page 46 for a detailed explanation of how to perform a measurement.
2.1 To view or edit a setting, click on the Edit button (A). The dialog box shown above will open. When you have finished editing, click on the Save button to save the changes and then on Close to close the dialog box. To discard any changes, just click on the Close button.
2.2 To copy a setting, click on the Edit button (A). The dialog box shown above will open. Change the name in the upper text box labelled Setting and click on the Save button to save the setting under its new name, then click on Close to close the dialog box. To discard any changes, just click on the Close button.
2.3 To create a new setting, make a copy of a setting as described in 2.2, and edit the new setting as described in 2.1.
2.4 To delete a setting, click on the Edit button (A), to open the dialog box shown above. Click on the Delete button. (You will also have to confirm the deletion.) When the current setting is deleted, no setting is active so before you can perform a new measurement you need to select another setting.
3. Probe
Choose from a list of available probe settings.
Click on the Edit button (B) to edit the settings of the selected probe.
3.1 To view or edit a setting, click on the Edit button (B). The dialog box shown above will open. When you have finished editing, click on the Save button to save the changes and then on Close to close the dialog box. To discard any changes, just click on the Close button.
3.2 To copy a setting, click on the Edit button (B). The dialog box shown above will open. Change the name in the upper text box labelled Probe and click on the Save button to save the setting under its new name, then click on Close to close the dialog box. To discard any changes, just click on the Close button.
3.3 To create a new setting, make a copy of a setting as described in 3.2, and edit the new setting as described in 3.1.
3.4 To delete a setting, click on the Edit button (B), to open the dialog box shown above. Click on the Delete button. (You will also have to confirm the deletion.) When the current setting is deleted, no setting is active so before you can perform a new measurement, you need to select another setting.
Correction factors
The correction factor is made up of pairs of values. A pair contains a frequency and an amplitude separated by a comma. A comma also separates the pairs.
The amplitude in the correction factor will be added to the measured amplitude at the specified frequency. The amplitude between two specified frequencies will be calculated linearly.
For easier editing of the correction factors, click on the … button to open the dialog box shown below.
In this dialog box you can add, move, insert or delete frequency values and amplitude values.
The Origin offset is the distance from the position where the limiting position switch is activated to the position where the tip of the probe is at position X0,Y0. Please refer to ”Positional calibration of the near field probe”.
4. Communication settings
The settings in this dialog box cover parameters needed for the communication between the PC and the spectrum analyzer.
When you have finished editing, click on the Save button to save the changes and then on Close to close the dialog box. To discard any changes, just click on the Close button.
4.1 Board Id:
Board Id corresponds to the Interface name property of the GPIB driver settings. If the Interface name is GPIB0, Board Id should be 0. If Interface name is GPIB1, Board Id should be 1.
4.2 GPIB Address
This is where you enter the GPIB address of your spectrum analyzer.
4.3 Timeout:
Timeout is the time limit of the GPIB communication. If the processing of a command sent to the spectrum analyzer exceeds the time limit specified in Timeout, the software will stop waiting for the spectrum analyzer and continue with its next task. It is advisable to set this value to at least one minute.
5. Scanner
Select your Scanner model from the list.
Click on the Edit button (C) to edit the setting of the selected Scanner model.
When you have finished editing, click on the Save button to save the changes and then on Close to close the dialog box. To discard any changes, just click on the Close button.
5.1 Heat calibration gain:
This is the gain calibration factor of the IR-probe. Please refer to Calibrating the temperature reading of the IR-probe.
5.2 Heat calibration offset:
This is the offset calibration factor of the IR-probe. Please refer to Calibrating the temperature reading of the IR-probe.
5.3 Com port:
The number of the RS-232 port connected to the Scanner
6. Limit line
Choose from the list of previously defined limit lines. The limit lines can be used on the View Pre-Scan tab.
Click on the Edit button (E) to create or edit a limit line
6.1 To view or edit a setting, click on the Edit button (D). The dialog box shown above will open. When you have finished editing, click on the Save button to save the changes and then on Close to close the dialog box. To discard any changes, just click on the Close button.
6.2 To copy a setting, click on the Edit button (D). The dialog box shown above will open. Change the name in the upper text box labelled Setting and click on the Save button to save the setting under its new name, then click on Close to close the dialog box. To discard any changes, just click on the Close button.
6.3 To create a new setting, make a copy of a setting as described in 6.2, and edit the new setting as described in 6.1.
6.4 To delete a setting, click on the Edit button (D), to open the dialog box shown above. Click on the Delete button. (You will also have to confirm the deletion.) When the current setting is deleted, no setting is active so before you can make a new measurement you need to select another setting.
Limit line:
Type the name of a new limit line or select one that has previously been saved.
The limit line is made up of pairs of values. A pair contains a frequency and an amplitude separated by a comma. A comma also separates the pairs.
For easier editing of the limit line, click on the … button to open the dialog box shown below.
In this dialog box you can add, move, insert or delete frequency values and amplitude values.
7. Reset:
Click the Reset button to reset the Scanner to its starting position.
8. Show/Hide Advanced settings
Click on this button to show or hide the advanced setting.
8.1 Report settings, EMC:
Check the options you wish to include in the EMC reports printed from the View Scan and View Pre-Scan tabs.
8.2 Report settings, Heat:
Check the options you wish to include in the Heat reports printed from the Measure Heat/Time and View Scan tabs.
8.3 Background color, Foreground color, Trace color and Limit line color:
Click on the … button to select the foreground color of the graphics on the Measure EMC tab, the Measure Heat/Time tab, the View Scan tab and the View Pre-Scan tab.
8.4 Move measurement to origin of coordinates when loaded:
When this box is checked, measurements loaded on the View Scan tab will be moved to the origin of coordinates. You can also perform this type of transfer manually in the Edit object properties dialog box, which is accessed from the View Scan tab.
8.5 Transparent color:
Select a color that will seem transparent in the graphics on the View Scan tab.
If you want to load a bitmap containing, for example, a circuit design drawing that has a white background and black foreground. You may want the white background to be transparent so that you can see trough the drawing when it is placed above a measurement.
8.6 3D Device:
This setting decides how the software communicates with the graphics adapter of your PC. If your PC does not have a modern 3D graphics accelerator, you will only find the RGB Emulation option in the list, but if the graphics adapter supports hardware acceleration you will also find the Direct3D HAL option.
The Direct3D HAL option takes advantage of the processing capacity of your graphics adapter, and this is much faster than using the RGB Emulation option.
If you experience problems related to the 3D graphics, you may try the RGB Emulation option instead of the Direct3D HAL option.
8.7 Z-Buffer:
A big z-buffer will enable you to distinguish which of two far-away-object is in front of the other. The available options depend on your graphics adapter. It is recommended to use the highest available z-buffer depth.
8.8 Preset values in View Scan:
Check the Activate Preset box and adjust the default top and bottom value of the color palette used in View Scan tab. By default, the color palette is set up to cover the total amplitude span of the loaded measurements. By adjusting the top and bottom value of the color palette, you can focus the entire color palette to the amplitude span that you wish to examine.
8.9 Preset values in Pre-Scan, Heat/Time and EMC/Time: Check the Activate Preset box and adjust the default top and bottom value of the amplitude scale used on each tab.
8.10 Misc. settings
8.10.1 Delay before measuring. A delay, in seconds, before measuring at each measuring point.
8.10.2 Also save Multi-Scan measurements as TXT-files. Check this option to save also a TXT-file.
9. Calibrate HR Scanner to beacon
This button is only visible when HR Scanner is selected. For details refer to page 26.