1. Powerful and Versatile Functions

In addition to the traditional measurement functions of legacy timer/counters, these instruments have a multitude of other functions such as Multi-stop Time Interval, Phase, Duty factor, rise/fall time, Slew Rate, TIE (Time Interval Error), Totalize and Peak Voltage. The CNT-104S introduces the concept of parallel measurements, for example 4 frequency measurements in parallel, or one rise time plus one fall time measurement in parallel on the same pulse. Even on single-shot pulses!

By using the built-in mathematics and statistics functions, the instrument can process the measurement results on your benchtop, without the need for a controller. Math functions include inversion, scaling and offset. Statistics functions include Max, Min and Mean as well as Standard and Allan Deviation on sample sizes up to 32×106.

2. No Mistakes

You will soon find that your instrument is self-explanatory with an intuitive user interface. A settings menu tree with few levels makes the CNT-100 easy to operate. The large graphic LCD is the center of information and can show you several signal parameters at the same time as well as status.

Measurement samples are presented as numeric values, or graphically over time, to reveal signal stability, trends, or modulation. Stability information can easily be presented as value distribution or trend plots in addition to complete numerical calculation results like max, min, mean and standard deviation.

The Autoset function is available on any input waveform and can make best settings of the currently selected measurement function. Use the built-in web server interface or VNC to get an enlarged view of the front panel on your desktop or laptop PC, tablet or even mobile phone. You can control every setting, start & stop measurements, and even download measurement data.