1. Internal Calibration

The Analyzer has a possibility to compensate for some internal sources of error by the means of internal calibration. This procedure doesn’t require any external signal, the Analyzer can perform it automatically.

Performing internal calibration before the start of measurement helps getting maximum accuracy and best resolution. However, because internal calibration takes up to 2 s it has impact on measurement speed which might be important in automated test systems. Hence, the Analyzer allows to choose the schedule of internal calibration. Summarizes available options.

Every 30 minutesThe Analyzer performs internal calibration every 30 minutes between successive measurements or when it is idle. This is the default option which provides the best trade-off between accuracy, resolution and average measurement speed.
Before every measurementThe analyzer performs internal calibration before each timing measurement to ensure best resolution and accuracy. This results in additional time overhead of around 2 s per measurement session. If such overhead is not critical – this is the recommended choice.
Once (after warm-up)The Analyzer performs internal calibration only once – after the instrument has warmed up. This guarantees no calibration overhead, but resolution will deteriorate over time.
Table 4. Internal Calibration Modes

To provide maximum flexibility, the Analyzer also provides the possibility to perform internal calibration implicitly. This is especially useful when Interpolator Calibration Mode is set to Once.

All above can be configured under Settings Advanced section (see Figure 39).

Figure 44. Internal Calibration configuration

2. Timebase Calibration

For increasing measurement accuracy, a good reference source can be used for timebase calibration. Connect the source to Input A, select SettingsTimebase Calibration, choose reference frequency and start the procedure. It is possible to interrupt the process midway, re-apply result from previous calibration or reset to factory calibration setting.

Figure 45. Timebase Calibration menu

3. Voltage Calibration

For increasing accuracy of voltage measurements and manual trigger level setting accuracy, a good  source of DC voltage can be used for voltage calibration. Open Settings Voltage menu, select the input to be calibrated and follow the instructions.

Figure 46. Voltage Calibration menu

Please note: voltage calibration sets inputs to 1 MOhm impedance.