1. 10 MHz OUT

  • Connect an oscilloscope to the 10 MHz output on the rear of the Analyzer. Use a coaxial cable and 50 Ω termination.
  • The output voltage should be sinusoidal and >1Vp-p, typically 1Vrms.


  • Recall Defaults.
  • Connect a stable 10 MHz signal (e.g REF OUT from another counter/analyzer) to input A. Connect a 10 MHz, 100 mVRMS, (0.28 Vp-p) signal from the LF synthesizer to EXT REF. Select Ext Ref. from the Timebase Oscillator setting menu
  • The display should show 10 MHz.
  • Change the external reference frequency to 5 and 1 MHz.
  • The counting should continue, and the display should still show 10 MHz.


  • Proceed from the test above.
  • Settings for the pulse generator:
    • single shot pulse,
    • manual trigger,
    • amplitude TTL = 0 – 2 VPP, and
    • duration = 10 ns.
  • Connect the pulse generator to Ext Arm Input.
  • Set Start Arming to EA on the Analyzer. The Analyzer does not measure.
  • Apply one single pulse to Ext Arm Input.
  • The Analyzer measures once and shows 10 MHz on the display.


  • Connect an oscilloscope to the pulse output on the rear panel with a 50 Ω coaxial cable terminated at the scope input with 50 Ω (internally or externally).
  • Enter Settings → Pulse Output.
  • Set Mode to Pulse Generator. Select Pulse Period and set the value to 1000 ns. Select Pulse Width and set the value to 500 ns.
  • The output signal should be a pure square wave signal with 1 MHz frequency and 50 % duty cycle. The rise/fall time should be approximately 2.5 ns. The low and the high level should be <0.2 V resp. >2.4 V.