Inputs A, B, D and E

Frequency Range:

  • DC-Coupled: DC to 400 MHz
  • AC-Coupled: 10 Hz to 400 MHz

Impedance: 1MΩ // 40 pF or 50 Ω (VSWR ≤2:1 typ.)

Trigger Slope: Positive or negative

Channel-channel skew: <50 ps (after calibration)

Sensitivity (typical):

  • DC-400 MHz: <70 mVrms (PreAmp =OFF)
  • DC-100 MHz: 15 mVrms (PreAmp = ON)
  • 100-200 MHz: 25 mVrms (PreAmp = ON)
  • 200-400 MHz: 35 mVrms (PreAmp = ON)

Hysteresis window: approx. 20 mV (PreAmp=OFF)

Attenuation: x1, x10

Dynamic Range (x1):

PreAmp = OFF: 0.04 to 10 Vp-p within ±5V window

PreAmp = ON: 0.01 to 2 V p-p within ±1V window

Trigger Level: Read-out in menu

  • Resolution: 1mV
  • Uncertainty (x1): ±(15 mV + 1% of trigger level)

Trigger Level modes: Manual, Relative (to Vp-p), Auto

AUTO Trigger Level set to:

  • 50% point of input signal’s Vp-p, combined with a wide hysteresis between the 40% and 60% points, for frequency, period average, TIE
  • 10% and 90% points, for Rise/Fall Time, Slew
    rate, combined with minimum hysteresis
  • 50% point with minimum hysteresis for all
    other functions
  • Min. voltage 200 mVp-p

Analog LP Filter: Nominal 10 or 100kHz selectable.

Max Voltage Without Damage:

  • 1MΩ: 350 V (DC + AC pk) to 440 Hz, falling to 12 Vrms at 1MHz.
  • 50 Ω: 12 Vrms

Connector: BNC

Input C (Option 10)

Operating Input Voltage Range opt. 10:

  • 100 to 300 MHz: -21 dBm to +35 dBm
  • 0.3 to 2.5 GHz: -27 dBm to +35 dBm
  • 2.5 to 2.7 GHz: -21 dBm to +35 dBm
  • 2.7 to 3.0 GHz: -15 dBm to +35 dBm

Prescaler Factor: 16

Impedance: 50 Ω nominal, VSWR <2.5:1 typ.

Max Voltage without Damage: +35 dBm

Connector: Type N Female

Input C (Option 110)

Freq. Range: 0.4 to 24 GHz; SW license enabled to 10, 15, 20 or 24 GHz

Operating input voltage range:

  • 400 to 600 MHz: -21 to +27 dBm
  • 0.6 to 17 GHz: -27 to +27 dBm
  • 17 to 19 GHz: -24 to +27 dBm
  • 19 to 21 GHz: -21 to +27 dBm
  • 21 to 24 GHz: -15 to +27 dBm

Prescaler Factor: 64

Impedance: 50 Ω nominal, VSWR <2.0:1 typ.

AM tolerance: > 90% within sensitivity range

Max Voltage Without Damage: +27 dBm

Connector: 2.92 mm, SMA compa ble Female