Option modelSTD3040
Time base type:TCXOOCXOOCXO
Uncertainty due to:-Aging per 24h per month per year-Temperature variations: 0˚C to 50˚C 20˚C to 26˚C (typ. values)n/a <2x10-7 (typ.) <1x10-6 <5x10-7 not specified<5x10-10 (1) <1x10-8 <5x10-8 <5x10-9 <1x10-9<3x10-10 (1) <3x10-9 <1.5x10-8 <2.5x10-9 <4x10-10
Short-term stability: τ =1s (root Allan Variance) τ =10s<1x10-9 (typ.)<1x10-11 <1x10-11<5x10-12 <5x10-12
Power-on stability:Deviation vs. final value after 24 h on time, after a warm-up time of:<1x10-6 5 min<1x10-8 10 min<5x10-9 10 min
Typical total uncertainty, for operating temperature 20˚C to 26˚C, at 2σ (95%) confidence interval:
-1 year after calibration
-2 years after calibration
<1.2x10-6 <2.4x10-6<6x10-8 <1.2x10-7<1.8x10-8 <3.5x10-8
1After 1 month of continuous operation