Selects measurement function and inputs

Parameter syntax: Function=<function name> <input_or_comparator>[,<input_or_comparator>, ...]


<function name> is one of Frequency, SmartFrequency, PeriodAverage, SmartPeriodAverage, PeriodSingle, TimeInterval, TimeIntervalSingle, AccumulatedTimeInterval, Phase, AccumulatedPhase, TIE, PositiveDutyCycle, NegativeDutyCycle, PositivePulseWidth, NegativePulseWidth, RiseTime, FallTime, RiseFallTime, PositiveSlewRate, NegativeSlewRate, Totalize, TotalizeX+Y, TotalizeX-Y, TotalizeX/Y, Vmin, Vmax, Vpp, Vminmax, DC Offset

input_or_comparator is one of A, A2, B, B2, C, D, D2, E, E2, EA, ER, G, T. See description below for limitations.

Possible values:

Note, that this parameter is combination of function name, space character and a list of inputs/comparators, separated by comma. Each measurement function supports different maximum number of inputs or comparators. See description below for possible values, their meanings and limitations.

Default value (RST condition): Frequency A


Allows to select measurement function of the instrument.

<function name>Description
FrequencyAverage frequency over gate time (set by Sample Interval parameter). This is back-to-back measurement (every period of the signal can be captured) for frequencies up to 20 MHz. Up to 4 signals can be measured in parallel. All inputs/comparators can be used.
FrequencyRatioRatio of frequency averages. This mode is just additional math applied over frequency measurements.All inputs/comparators can be used. Minimum two inputs/comparators must be specified. When two inputs/comparators are specified then the frequency ratio of second to first input/comparator is measured. When three inputs/comparators are specified then ratios of 2nd to 1st and 3rd to 1st are measured. When 4 inputs/comparators are specified then ratios of 2nd to 1st and 4th to 3rd are measured.
SmartFrequencySmart Frequency function makes use of regression analysis to increase the resolution of the measurement at the expense of measurement speed. Please, note: this mode assumes signal frequency is static within gate time (set by Sample Interval). All inputs/comparators can be used.
PeriodAverageAverage period over gate time (set by Sample Interval parameter). This is back-to-back measurement (every period of the signal can be captured) for frequencies up to 20 MHz. Up to 4 signals can be measured in parallel. All inputs/comparators can be used.
SmartPeriodAverageSmart Period Average function makes use of regression analysis to increase the resolution of the measurement at the expense of measurement speed. Please, note: this mode assumes signal frequency is static within gate time (set by Sample Interval parameter). All inputs/comparators can be used.
PeriodSingleAllows to capture single signal periods for periods less than 20 MHz at expense of 50 ns dead-time.All inputs/comparators can be used. Maximum is 2 inputs.
TimeIntervalTime Interval between up to 4 periodic signals. Result is normalized to the range of -0.5 to +1 signal period.All inputs except C can be used.
TimeIntervalSingleTime Interval between single events from up to 4 inputs.All inputs except C can be used.
AccumulatedTimeIntervalSame as Time Interval, but the result is not normalized.All inputs except C can be used.
PhasePhase difference between 2 periodic signals. Result is normalized to the range of -180° to +360°.All inputs except C can be used.
AccumulatedPhaseSame as Phase, but the result is not normalized.All inputs except C can be used.
TIETime Interval Error (TIE) between up to 4 independent clock sources.All inputs can be used.
PositiveDutyCycleRatio of a pulse signal Positive Pulse Width to its Period.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. One input only.
NegativeDutyCycleRatio of a pulse signal Negative Pulse Width to its Period.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. One input only.
PositivePulseWidthPositive Pulse Width of a pulse signal.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. Maximum is 2 inputs.
NegativePulseWidthNegative Pulse Width of a pulse signal.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. Maximum is 2 inputs.
RiseTimeMeasures how much time it takes for the signal to go from 10% to 90% of its voltage range.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. Maximum is 2 inputs.
FallTimeMeasures how much time it takes for the signal to go from 90% to 10% of its voltage range.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. Maximum is 2 inputs.
RiseFallTimeMeasures how much time it takes for the signal to go from 10% to 90% of its voltage range and back.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. One input only.
PositiveSlewRateMeasures how fast signal voltage increases from 10% to 90% of its range.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. Maximum is 2 inputs.
NegativeSlewRateMeasures how fast signal voltage decreases from 90% to 10% of its range.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. Maximum is 2 inputs.
TotalizeCounts number of events on up to 4 input channels in parallel.All inputs except C can be used.
TotalizeX+YTotalize with additional maths applied.All inputs except C can be used. Minimum is 2 inputs.
TotalizeX-YTotalize with additional maths applied.All inputs except C can be used. Minimum is 2 inputs.
TotalizeX/YTotalize with additional maths applied.All inputs except C can be used. Minimum is 2 inputs.
VminMinimum voltage level of a signal.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used.
VmaxMaximum voltage level of a signal.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used.
VppSignal maximum and minimum voltage levels difference.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used.
VminmaxMinimum and maximum voltage levels of a signal.Inputs A, B, D, E can be used. One input only.
DC OffsetMeasure DC offset voltage of a signal. Note: DC coupling must be enabled for corresponding input.


:SYST:CONF "Function = Frequency A"

:SYST:CONF "Function=Period Average A,B2,EA"