1. Numeric Data

  • Decimal data. Numeric values that may contain both a decimal point and an exponent (base 10). Examples: 2.5, 1e-10, 5
  • Integer. Integer numbers.

2. Keywords

In addition to entering decimal data as numeric values, several keywords can exist. The manual explicitly specify which keywords are allowed by a particular command.

3. Boolean Data

A Boolean parameter specifies a single binary condition which is either true or false.
Boolean parameters can be one of the following:

  • ON or 1 means condition true.
  • OFF or 0 means condition false.

4. Other Data Types

  • String data. Always enclosed between single or double quotes, for example “This is a string” or ‘This is a string.’
  • Non-decimal data: For instance, #H3A for hexadecimal data.
  • Block data: Used to transfer any 8-bit coded data. This data starts with a preamble that contains information about the length of the parameter.