This is a VI which takes care for sending entire waveforms, timing, c-bit information and trigger information to the generator. Timing is passed to this VI as a 1D array where each element represents a pulse and its value [2…32767] is the length of that pulse in basic clock units, e.g. 1 μs for 1 MHz clock or 0.05 μs for 20 MHz clock. Together with the array containing the trigger information the correct string is distilled and sent to the generator, the same goes for the 2D array Waveforms together with the 2D C-bits array and the 1D Channels array. If the Trigger array contains less elements than the Timing array it will be filled up with extra `false' (no trigger) elements, when it contains more elements it will be truncated to the length [1…12287] of Timing. The same applies to the C-bits array with the Waveforms array whose data values represent voltages [-100…100] with 0.05 V resolution. The Channels array should have the same size as the size along the first index of the Waveforms array, i.e. number of waveforms. If it contains more elements it will be truncated, if it contains less elements it becomes dominant and only those waveforms with a corresponding element in the channels array will be sent. Valid values for elements of the Channels array are numbers that represents the binary translation of the eight possible channels, a `true' will address that channel, e.g 16 (00010000) selects channel 5 only, 7 (00000111) selects channel 1, 2 and 3 together, etc. Only the selected channels will be affected. The correct interpretation of the indices of both Waveforms and C-bits arrays are: first index equals number of waveforms [1…8], second index equals number of pulses [1…12287]. You should take care that the number of pulses is equal to the size of the Timing array otherwise incorrect rendering of the waveforms on the generator may occur. If you leave the Trigger array unwired or empty no trigger point will be set, if you leave C-bits unwired or empty no c-bit will be set. If you leave Timing unwired or empty no timing data including triggers will be sent. If you leave Waveforms unwired or empty than no waveform data including c-bits will be sent. On the other hand if you leave Channels unwired the VI will send waveforms to individual channels starting from 1 up to eight provided that Waveforms is not empty. You should reconfigure the clock after calling this VI if the generator was running. When the generator is running, the amount of data that can be sent is reduced. The actual amount that can be sent is about 7000 individual pulses if only one waveform and timing is sent. If you need to sent more data you should first stop the generator and set it to run after loading all the data.