The VI library contains a file filter FLCWFG File which extracts all relevant information from files created with the normal WFG programs on Mac and PC, however the current version does not extract the coupling data. Most users have no use for all of this information in a LabVIEW program, therefore a translator is provided, FLCWFG File Data that will create a cluster containing all necessary information for handling the waveforms. It is such a cluster which is “send ready”, that is all information to unambiguously send the data to the generator. As mentioned above, the best way to handle the real data is in a 2D array, FLCWFG Unmold does just this starting from the full data cluster.

Once you have a 2D array you are ready to perform all sorts of operations on it. In addition to the data array, an array containing all trigger-bit and control-bit information with the same dimension as the data array is available as well as arrays containing the waveform names and there channel data and the time unit used for these waveforms, e.g. 0,1 μs for the 10 MHz clock.

The data array is structured as rows, that is the first row (first index=0) contains the timing data in microseconds, all subsequent rows contain the voltage data of a waveform. The above layout of the data array makes it possible to access timing and individual waveforms subsequently by wiring it to a for loop. Should you wish to access a column of pulses simultaneously you can first transpose the array and then wire it to a for loop. To view the data in a graph use FLCWFG Build Graph to obtain the correct LabVIEW format for graphs, set the graph to ‘square interpolation’ with the jump on the fist point (or copy it from the VI).