1. [ Amplitude ] Set master…
Make the selected pulse an amplitude reference – a “master”. You will be prompted to give it a name. The default name is “AmplMaster1”. You may change the name later using RENAME MASTER >> hierarchical menu.
The color of the pulse changes to red.
Some restrictions apply to “master” pulses – you may not delete, cut, clear or paste over them. For work-around see PROMOTE TO MASTER command below.You may copy a “master” and the copied pulse will automatically become its “slave” equal in size.
2. [ Amplitude ] Couple to…
Couple the selected pulse to a reference pulse (make it a “slave” pulse). Invokes a dialog where have to chose a master using a pop-up menu and type the coupling parameters (multiplication and offset).
Its amplitude will from now on follow the equation:
Aslave = n * Amaster ± offset
The default is n = 1 and offset = 0. When a ‘coupled’ pulse is altered, the software readjusts the amplitude of the master pulse, propagates the change to all members of the coupling chain (coupled pulses may be in different waveforms, even those not shown on the screen), and finally transmits the appropriate information to the waveform generator (if connected and in “auto” mode).
The color of the coupled pulse changes to blue.
A “slave”’ can be created by simply executing DUPLICATE or COPY / PASTE commands on a “master” pulse. The “slave” created in such way will have the same amplitude as its
“master”. To obtain an inverted “master” invoke INVERT SELECTION command (ctrl-F5).
If changing an amplitude of a coupled pulse should cause that another coupled pulse runs out of range, the amplitude of the current pulse will be readjusted in order to keep all amplitudes within limits. So do not get angry, when the program refuses to place the amplitude bar exactly where you want it – check what happens with other pulses in the coupling chain!
3. [ Amplitude ] Promote to master
Move the “master” properties over to the selected “slave” pulse. The waveforms will not change, the name will not change, but the colors of the pulses will interchange, indicating the transfer of the properties.
Use this menu command if you wish to delete, cut or clear a sequence containing a master or paste over it and the program does not allow this.
4. [ Amplitude ] Clear coupling
Erase the coupling of this “slave” pulse to its “master”.
5. [ Amplitude ] Couple selection
Couple together the selection of pulses creating a new coupling chain preserving the current relations between pulse amplitudes. The first pulse in the selection becomes a master. Pulses with zero amplitude will not be included in the chain, hence if the first pulse is zero it will be excluded from the selection.
6. [ Amplitude ] Connect masters
Join two coupling chains.
7. [ Amplitude ] Append selection
Append the selected pulses to an existing coupling chain chosen from dialog.
8. [ Timing ] Set master…
Make the selected slot a width-reference. You will be prompted to give it a name. The default name consists of the text “TauMaster1”. You may change the name later using RENAME MASTER hierarchical menu.
The color of the pulse changes to red.
The same restrictions apply to “master” slots as to “master” pulses – you may not delete, cut, clear or paste over them. For work around see the [ TIMING ] PROMOTE TO MASTER command. You may DUPLICATE or COPY / PASTE them and the copied pulse will automatically become its “slave” equal in size.
9. [ Timing ] Couple to…
Couple the selected slot to a reference slot (make it a “slave” slot). Invokes a dialog where you have to choose a master from a pop-up menu and type the coupling parameters (multiplication and offset).
The width of the slave pulse will from now on follow the equation:
Tslave = n * Tmaster ± offset
The default is n = 1 and offset = 0. When a “coupled” slot is altered, the software readjusts the width of the master slot, propagates the change to all related slots, and finally transmits the appropriate information to the waveform generator (if connected and in “auto” mode).
The color of the coupled pulse changes to blue.
If decreasing the with of a coupled slot should cause that the width of another slot would be reduced to zero, it will be set to 2 time units.
10. [ Timing ] Promote to master
Move the “master” properties over to the selected “slave” slot. The waveforms will not change. The name will not change.
Use this menu command if you wish to delete, cut or clear a sequence containing a master or paste over it (which is not allowed).
11. [ Timing ] Clear coupling
Free this “slave” slot from its “master”.
12. [ Timing ] Couple selection
Couple together the selection of pulses creating a new coupling chain preserving the current relations between pulse amplitudes. The first pulse in the selection becomes a master.
13. [ Timing ] Connect masters
Join two coupling chains.
14. [ Timing ] Append selection
Append the selected pulses to an existing coupling chain chosen from dialog.
15. Rename master »
Hierarchical menu of “masters”. Invokes a dialog where you can change the name of a chosen “master” pulse or slot.
16. Remove master »
Hierarchical menu of “masters”. Removes the entire chosen coupling chain i.e. the master and all slave slots in the chain will become free.
Cannot be undone.
17. Clear all couplings
Erases all relations between pulses and slots in the current design.
Cannot be undone.